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The European honey bee has long been the pollinator of choice for agricultural pollination. Honey bees contribute billions of $ to the value of Canadian crop production. This contribution, made by managed honey bees, comes in the form of increased yields and superior quality crops for growers and consumers. A healthy beekeeping industry is invaluable to a healthy agricultural economy.


We have limited number of hives to support our local community of farmers and growers. 

two beekeepers dressed in special suits

Installation & Management

In the recent years, more and more farmers & growers have recognized the value in permanent installation and management of honey bee hives on agricultural fields where the hives are owned and managed by the farmers.


We have the knowledge and experience in helping you to get started on the right path. We provide consulting, installation, and management services for establishment of onsite pollinators as well as any required peripheral infrastructures. 

Swarm Collection

Swarming is a honey bee colony's natural means of reproduction. In the process of swarming, a single colony splits into two or more distinct colonies.  Usually, the swarm(s) settle 20–30 m away from the natal nest for a few days and will then depart for a new nest site after getting information from scout bees. It is important that swarm is located and removed promptly.





Two beekeepers catch the bee swarm. The
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